

Important Homecraft Dates & Rules

Please note that Homecraft books will not be mailed unless requested. The Homecraft book is available online at www.brooklinspringfair.com

Registering to enter Homecraft and receiving Exhibitor Tags

  1. Entry Forms may be submitted by:
    1. On-line, Complete Entry Forms at: www.brooklinspringfair.com
    2. Mail Entry Forms to: Brooklin Spring Fair: Homecraft Entry Box 615 Brooklin, ON L1M 1B5
  2. All Entries received by online entry, drop-off, or postmarked no later than Wednesday, May 14, 2025 will have their Exhibitor Tags mailed to them compliments of the Brooklin Spring Fair
  3. The extended deadline is Sunday, June 1, 2025. Extended Entrants will receive tags when entries are delivered to the Fair (see #4 below). Tags must then be attached by the Entrant. No registrations will be accepted thereafter.

    Dropping off your Entries at the Brooklin Spring Fair
  4. Entries are to be delivered to the Luther Vipond Arena (67 Winchester Rd. E.) either on
    1. Wednesday, June 4, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm and /or
    2. Thursday, June 5, 8:00 am - 11:00 am.

  5. The Homecraft display area will be closed to the public on Thursday, June 5 from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  6. Entries will be on display from Thursday, June 5 at 6:00 pm until Sunday, June 8th at 5:00 pm.

    Picking up your Entries after the Fair
  7. Homecraft display area will be closed to the public on Sunday, June 8th from 5:00 - 6:00 pm.
  8. While Homecraft is closed, exhibitors are asked to wait outside the exhibit area until display areas are made accessible.
  9. Exhibits must be picked up on Sunday, June 8th between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
  10. Claim numbers must be shown for release of exhibits.
  11. Articles not claimed by 7:00 pm on Sunday, June 8th will be discarded. If you are unable to pick up your exhibits please arrange for someone else to pick up. Please provide them with your claim tags.

Homecraft General Rules

  1. All entries may be submitted on the printed Entry Form provided in this prize list catalogue or in the format displayed on the website. Entry Forms can be photocopied if more space is required. Entry Forms must be dated and signed by the exhibitor.
  2. Entry Tags must be AFFIXED to the article before drop-off by either tape or a pin unless otherwise noted in the Class rules. The Tag must be folded to conceal the exhibitor’s name.
  3. All work must be that of the exhibitor.
  4. All exhibitors must be amateurs.
  5. All exhibits must not have been previously shown at the Brooklin Spring Fair and will not be judged as a result.
  6. No person shall enter more than one article per Section unless otherwise noted.
  7. All entries must be suitable for a family-friendly setting.
  8. Any questions pertaining to specific exhibits should be directed to the Class chairperson.
  9. Items will be judged in accordance to the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies (OAAS) Judging Standards book or the Ontario Horticultural Judging Standards book.
  10. Items entered will be judged at the Judge’s discretion based on merit and Judges are not obligated to award a 1st prize in any Class.
  11. The Society will not be responsible for any loss, damage to or accident to any person or property during the time of the Brooklin Spring Fair. Should any entry be accidentally damaged, lost or stolen, the Directors will give all the assistance in their power towards its recovery, but will not make any payment for the value thereof.
  12. All prize money is donated by the Brooklin Spring Fair Agricultural Society unless otherwise stated.
  13. Exhibitors, in Classes where stated, with the most points in a Class will be awarded a prize of either money, a gift or a gift certificate. Points are awarded as follows:
    1st prize = 4 points
    2nd prize = 3 points
    3rd prize = 2 points
    4th prize = 1 point

If you require assistance with our online entry system, please contact us at homecraft@brooklinspringfair.com

Important Registrations Instructions for Groups and Teachers:


When entering your students please ensure you complete the following:

  1. Enter one entry form per student
  2. Use the student's names/initials/unique identifier in the name box (so you know what amount of prize money is owed to each student)
  3. Use the SAME address for ALL students (This is the address your cheque will be mailed to)
  4. Under Farm, please indicate the name of your school and the name the cheque should be made out to.

Group Projects:

When entering a group project please ensure you complete the following:

  1. Enter the group’s name as the participant name in the first name last name fields.
  2. For the address, use the address you want the prize cheque mailed to
  3. Under Farm, please indicate the name the cheque should be made out to

If you have any questions about Homecraft please send us an E-mail at homecraft@brooklinspringfair.com

To enter in the Homecraft section online please browse to your desired catagory, click the registration button and follow the steps in AssistExpo:

Click HERE to register online

Prefer a paper copy? We’ve got you covered! Download the PDF and print at home (includes paper entry form in lieu of online registration):

2025 Homecraft Book

Homecraft is proudly sponsored by:

Neil Guthrie

Gloria Jackson